Letter from Santa Claus – 2008

santaHow Santa Knows

Well, another Christmas Eve is coming up shortly and Santa is busily getting ready. It is our busiest time of the year and the elves are working hard putting together presents for all of the good children, and Santa knows you are all trying to be good.

In parts of October and November it was a bit warmer than usual up here at the North Pole and Santa had a hard time keeping the elves working. They wanted to go outside and enjoy the sunshine before winter closes in. So Mrs. Claus fixed up a big picnic and all of us, including the reindeer, enjoyed a nice time in the sun playing games and enjoying the weather.

Some of the elves (yes, including Santa) didn’t put on enough sunscreen and got a bit of a sunburn. But, Mrs. Claus came to the rescue with some soothing skin lotion and, although we still hurt a bit the next day, we could all get back to work. Mrs. Claus is wonderful to everyone and we all love her a lot – especially me.

Having been around a long time, Santa knows that no matter where you live and whether  it is sunny or cloudy, you can still get sunburned. So remember to have your parents put enough sunscreen on you before you go outside to play so you don’t get burned. And if you can, wear a hat. It’s no fun being sunburned. Believe me, Santa knows.

Every year Santa gets letters and questions from children asking how Santa knows if they are being bad or good. This year Santa got a really nice letter from a little girl and, although it is one of Santa’s biggest secrets, maybe he will let you in on some of it.

Santa recently read in the newspaper that he has a series of spy satellites that keeps an eye on children (and adults) to see if they are being good. Humbug. When Santa finds out who wrote that he has a big lump of coal to put in that person’s stocking. Santa’s way of keeping track of good and bad children is much simpler.

Throughout the year Santa hears from parents, relatives, school teachers and other people if a child has been especially good or bad, and you know Santa is especially happy when he hears good things about someone.

Some children keep a journal, diary or calendar where they write down their good deeds. Each time someone writes about something good they did, Santa, Mrs. Claus, the elves and even the reindeer all get a magical warm feeling inside and immediately know about it. Even Santa doesn’t know why it happens, it just does.

The same thing happens when someone is especially bad, except then Santa gets a sad feeling inside, and Santa doesn’t like sad feelings. Do you?

So, be good and make everyone smile and be happy, especially yourself.

My goodness, Santa just got a message from one of the elves that when he went out to feed the reindeer he couldn’t find them. They get frisky just before Christmas Eve, and do that just to be silly. Santa always finds them hiding behind something or up on the roof of the building. I think it is Dancer or Cupid that comes up with the idea to hide and the rest follow. It is just in fun and it always makes us all smile.

Well, Santa better go out and find those reindeer. There are some funny noises on the roof and it is probably them. Santa doesn’t know why, but they or the elves always seem to get into mischief when Santa is writing a letter to you.
Keep sending all those letters to Santa and, most of all, mind your manners, listen to your parents and teachers, be good, be kind and, especially, take good care of each other.

Love, your good friend, Santa Claus

P.S. Santa’s favorite snack is still chocolate chip cookies and a glass of cold milk.

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